The Home of the Young Entrepreneurs.
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This project aims to build on the soon-to-expire EU Entrepreneurship Action Plan by focusing on innovative ways to galvanize the youth community into entrepreneurial action and promote entrepreneurship as a valid career option for youth and young NEET groups. There will be at least 150 participants from these groups in the project.
Project results
The project will result in the outcomes of a body of youth immediately equipped with skills, knowledge and fresh ideas to launch a business, plus access to business mentors to help course correct and maintain motivation. This will be achieved developing four outputs:
Hackathon Online Training
‘Hackathon Online Training’ is for young entrepreneurs to share their ideas and network.
Masterclass Platform
‘Masterclass Platform’ is an online platform where young entrepreneurs can connect with mentors listed by areas of business interest.
“Sell, Sell, Sell” OER
‘Sell, Sell, Sell’ OER of marketing tips- copywriting/Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) /Social Media Optimisation (SMO).